Annual Birth Month Reviews

Posted by: Monifa - Posted on:

After a review of our recall process for Long-Term Condition reviews and items raised at the Patient Participation Group, we have decided to change to a system based around the patient’s birth month. This will simplify the system, meaning that patients know when their review is due, and it will be easier for Surgery staff to identify when a patient’s review is due.

This means that we will aim to do your condition review during your birth month. You should receive correspondence from us prior to your birthday month with details on booking your appointment with the appropriate clinician.

This does mean that you may have slightly longer or slightly less than 12 months between your last review and this year’s review. However, you can be assured that you will from then on always have your review in your birthday month.

Prior to your birth month a member of our team will call you to invite you to have your review during your birth month. We will be trying to ensure that if a patient has multiple conditions, these will all be reviewed in the fewest number of appointments possible.